Terms & Conditions
The information contained on this website is general information only and has been prepared without consideration of your personal circumstances. RemServ Finance does not provide you with any form of financial, taxation or financial product advice on the relative merits of salary packaging or novated leasing or on any other basis. You should seek your own independent professional advice before making a decision with respect to salary packaging or novated leasing.
While all reasonable care has been taken in producing this information, RemServ Finance does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of this information and will not be liable for, or in connection with, any loss or damage suffered as a result of any inaccuracies, errors or omissions or your reliance on this information. Subsequent changes to content on this site may occur at any time and may impact on the accuracy of the information.
All examples as provided on this website are for illustrative purposes only and have been prepared without consideration of your personal circumstances. Some of the listed products attract Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT). The supply of salary packaging and novated leasing services is subject to terms and conditions, and your employer's Salary Packaging Policy and, where applicable, finance approval (available on application) and conditions and merchant acceptance. Fee and charges apply.
Intellectual Property
RemServ Finance (or its related bodies corporate) is the registered or common law owner of any trademark and all associated intellectual property rights utilised on this website (except where otherwise indicated).
No copying, modification or distribution of this mark is permitted without the prior consent of RemServ Finance. Nothing on this website may be construed as granting to any user any licence whatsoever with respect to the intellectual property appearing on this website.
RemServ Finance makes no representations or warranties that the use of this website or the information contained herein will not infringe any person's intellectual property rights.
Use of This Website
The information in this website is supplied on condition that you will make your own determination as to the accuracy and usefulness of the information.
RemServ Finance reserves the right to make any changes to the information contained in and the layout of this website, including changes to its services.
Except with respect to implied warranties that cannot be excluded by law, RemServ Finance does not make any representation or warranty about the accuracy, suitability for any purpose, merchantability of, title to or usefulness of the information on and contents of this website or the services it offers.
RemServ Finance will not be liable for any damages whatsoever (including special, indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or damages for loss of profits, revenue or loss of use) arising out of or relating to this website or the information contained therein or the services it offers whether such damages arise in contract, in tort, in equity, under statute, at law or otherwise.
RemServ Finance does not accept any liability for any delays, interruptions or errors of omissions (however occurring) in collecting, recording, processing, storing or disseminating information contained on this website.
Important Notice
Some information on taxation matters may be provided to illustrate possible advantages, but is of a general nature only. You should seek your own independent professional advice on how packaging programs may impact your particular financial, taxation and welfare benefit circumstances.
Taxation laws regarding the treatment of salary benefits including novated leases may change, which could adversely impact your financial, taxation or welfare benefit decisions.
RemServ Finance may receive commissions or rebates in connection with some services it provides (or arranges to be provided) by third parties. By appointing and utilising RemServ Finance's services, you consent to its receipt of such commissions and rebates.